Author(ized) Accounts of the Paranormal and Unexplained

Authorized Accounts of the paranormal and unexplained logo that has a playful ghost, UFO and stack of books

A to Z of Author(ized Authors) | Browse other BibliOccult content

Bartlett, JordanThe Ghost Bride: The story of the Ghost Bride that haunts Banff Springs Hotel…

Cordon, RomaReal Ghost, or Bad Dream?: The story of a bedside visitor she had while visiting a historic inn in Pennsylvania…

Friedman, Terry Knock. Knock. Nobody’s There?: The story of the dark energy she’s sensed while visiting historical places…

Leo, Rosanna – The Lady, the General, and Their Last Good-bye: tell us the story of how a haunted inn in a quaint Ontario town has inspired her paranormal romance series… Coming May!

Logan, Amber A. Borrowing a Boo(k) from the Library: The story of a library book that refused to be returned… Coming April 14th!

Lyons, Meredith RMy Ghost Didn’t Say Boo: The story of a mysterious specter that would frequently visit her bedside when she was a child…

McCreary, Marcy Twintuition: The story of the mysterious connection she shares with her twin sister…

Nixon, MadelineThe Not Quite Fright Before Christmas: The spooky, yet heartwarming story of a haunted Christmas tree…

O’Connor, Tj How The “Boo” Put The “Who” In My Whodunnits: How paranormal experiences have influenced his writing…

Power, Helen Low Times in the Highlands: The story of the time she was almost lured to her watery grave in the Scottish Highlands…

Wolverton, Nicole MComing June!

Woodling, DB Final Curtain Call: The story of a paranormal experience she had at an old opera house in Colorado…