Ghosts, Haunted Libraries

The Tragic Tale of Phyllis Parker

What do you do if your library has a ghost that’s so active she’s been seen floating among the stacks by numerous people over several decades? You issue her a library card! That’s  exactly what the staff at the Bernardsville Public Library in New Jersey did.  Although, their ghost hasn’t checked anything out. At least, not yet…

This post is going to dissect the story of Phyllis Parker, the ghost who haunts the Bernardsville Public Library. But this is more than just any old ghost story. This is a story of true love and high intrigue that deviates slightly from your typical bodice ripper.

Continue reading “The Tragic Tale of Phyllis Parker”

Attic Books
Haunted Bookstores

The Ironic Ghost of Attic Books

An ironic ghost haunts the basement of Attic Books, an antiquarian and used bookstore in London, Ontario. I’ve decided to start BibliOccult with this story, because not only have I been to this bookstore, but I may have encountered its spirit. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Built in the mid-to-late 1800s, the stunning red brick building on 240 Dundas Street was initially only one storey, with the first and second storeys being added during renovations in 1880. The gargoyle, which adds a Gothic look to the building, was only added in 1996 (1).

Attic Books The building has housed many businesses over the last century and a half. The first inhabitant of note is Abraham Spry. He worked as a tailor in the building in 1875 (1). However, he only stayed there a year before moving on, transferring his business to another building on Dundas Street. It’s my understanding that he didn’t stay there long enough to grow attached to the building. He didn’t stay there long enough to die.

Continue reading “The Ironic Ghost of Attic Books”


A New Beginning

Welcome to BibliOccult, Library of the Odd, the Obscure, and the Occult. Other than the fact that I clearly love alliteration, what does that tell you about this blog?  This will be a place where you can find a variety of posts to tickle your fancy and send chills down your spine.  If you thrive on the bizarre, and you’re intrigued by the unknown, then you’ve come to the right place.

Updated weekly, this website will curate strange (but not always supernatural) stories from the news and from history, as well as the occasional book or film review.  I’m fascinated by the supernatural, especially ghosts, so they’ll be a highlight of this blog.  In addition to being a librarian, I’m a murderino with a forensics degree, so there will inevitably be some analyses of unexplained murders (and their subsequent hauntings) thrown into the mix.

If you’re interested, click follow.  The first official post will be on Friday the 13th.  I look forward to unnerving you soon…

Book shelf